PhoneRescue for Android v3.8.0.20230628 Multilingual 中文注册版 – 安卓数据恢复工具下载

PhoneRescue 创建并应用各种最先进的技术,以确保您获得最安全、最完整、最简单和最快的数据恢复。PhoneRescue for Android是最可靠的Android数据恢复工具可保存所有必不可少的数据和文件。始终可以在第一刻就为您避免任何数据灾难。它基于每种特定的手机和平板电脑采用定制技术,确保您以最高的成功率取回丢失的数据和文件。

PhoneRescue for Android v3.8.0.20230628 Multilingual 中文注册版 - 安卓数据恢复工具

PhoneRescue for Android 适用于所有Android手机的综合数据救星,PhoneRescue 几乎涵盖了三星、华为、LG、谷歌或市场上任何制造商的所有 Android 设备,总能在第一时间将您从任何数据灾难中拯救出来。它采用基于每个特定手机和平板电脑的定制技术,确保您以最高的成功率找回丢失的数据和文件。


PhoneRescue for Android v3.8.0.20230628 Multilingual 中文注册版 - 安卓数据恢复工具


在没有备份的情况下,很容易错误地删除一些重要数据。它可能是来自您心爱的人的生日信息或重要客户的联系方式。现在,PhoneRescue 只需单击一下即可将它们全部保存。有史以来第一次,您可以将数据直接还原到手机中,就像它们从未被删除一样。再也不用担心错误删除重要数据,他们总能找到一条轻松、彻底的退路。


您的手机存储的宝贵数据比您知道的要多——您曾经在 WhatsApp 中收到的视频剪辑,甚至是散落在设备存储的每个角落的照片。PhoneRescue现在,即使知识兔没有root,知识兔也可以一直挖掘到您的手机中,并将这些隐藏或遗忘的文件带回给您。只需随意选择并将它们与过去的所有回忆一起保存到您的计算机中。


恢复丢失的数据可能是一项复杂的技术任务,但 PhoneRescue 只需点击几下即可轻松完成。凭借清晰的界面和分步向导,即使知识兔是不懂技术的祖父母也可以在几分钟内自行恢复丢失的消息、照片、联系人和更多数据。

PhoneRescue is an iMobie product different from other recovery tools. This software detects your system and accordingly performs recovery operations to ensure you recover as much information as possible. Covering all models of more than 5 different brands, this is a professional smart tool. The software is extremely high capacity and you can expect more data recovery than other similar software. It is possible to retrieve messages, photos and contacts and whatever you want in this software.

PhoneRescue is the only application that can directly restore the recovered information on your Android phone itself. This means you no longer need to manually transfer the recovered information to your Android system. It is also possible to retrieve whatsapp data. It comes to anyone who accidentally deletes important messages or data while not having any support for it to restore. For example, a message to congratulate a birthday or a wedding photo, etc., with PhoneRescue you can easily retrieve the information you want. Without the need for root, the program can go deep into your phone and retrieve all the information.

PhoneRescue app features:

  • Clear the lock placed on the screen
  • Recover all required information
  • Support for the most famous brands in the world
  • Ability to retrieve all types of information
  • Retrieve whatsapp software attachments
  • Direct storage of information on the Android system

System Requirements 

Windows OS: Windows 11Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, both 32bit and 64bit


PhoneRescue for Android v3.8.0.20230628 Multilingual 中文注册版 – 安卓数据恢复工具
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