OmniFocus Pro 3.1 Mac 破解版 – 最优秀的GTD效率工具下载
OmniFocus 是一款IOS 和Mac平台上最强大的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”工具,你可以有条理有逻辑的安排好你的工作和生活。主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也分享了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
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OmniFocus Pro 3.1 Mac 破解版 介绍
OmniFocus的开发概念是来自David Allen的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”,主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也分享了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
Version 3.1:
OmniFocus 3.1 adds localizations, a light sidebar option, and automatic theme switching in macOS Mojave.
- Localizations – OmniFocus is now localized in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.
- macOS Mojave – Added a preference to automatically follow the system appearance to the Style Preference Pane.
- Sidebar – Added a light sidebar appearance. To use this appearance in the OmniFocus theme, uncheck “Always use dark sidebar” in OmniFocus Style Preferences.
- Forecast – Forecast now hides declined calendar events, and events in the past. Clean Up removes events that are still the Forecast outline but are now in the past due to passage of time.
- Columns – Fixed problems with the Columns layout and narrow windows.
- Copy/Paste – Fixed a problem where copying a parent task with child tasks selected would result in duplicate child tasks on paste.
- Crash – Fixed a crash in Quick Entry.
- Crash – Fixed a crash related to perspective settings.
- Crash – Fixed a sync-related crash.
- Dark Theme – General fixes to the dark theme.
- Help – Fixed a problem where the Help window presented in Full Screen when it shouldn’t have.
- High Sierra – Fixed a problem with the appearance of the View Options popover in Dark mode in High Sierra.
- Perspectives – Fixed a problem where a perspective would appear to be in a state with transient changes as soon as you clicked into a field.
- Perspectives – Fixed a problem where custom perspectives with certain filter rules would not update correctly when their contents changed.
- Perspectives – Fixed a problem where transient changes to a perspective would be saved on Quit and the perspective would never revert to its saved settings.
- Sidebar – Fixed problems with enabled states and appearances of the plus and gear buttons at the bottom of the sidebar.
- VoiceOver – Made several improvements to VoiceOver in OmniFocus.
- Smaller Fixes and Improvements – Including crash fixes.
OmniFocus Pro 3.1 Mac 破解版 下载