Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器下载

应网友要求更新。Texpad是一款 Mac 上专业的LaTeX编辑器,Texpad 可以让你专注于任何规模大小的项目。当Texpad打开你的项目,他会扫描项目,寻找LaTeX结构,命令和任何包含在内的文件,Texpad for Mac 会为您分享一个大纲视图,知识兔使用它可以快速地浏览整个项目。

[Texpad 在 Mac App Store上163]

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 介绍

Texpad is a LaTeX editor designed for straightforward navigation of projects of any size. When Texpad opens a document it scans through it, looking for LaTeX structure commands and any included files, then it presents you with an outline view with which you can swiftly navigate the entire project.

Texpad replaces LaTeX’s obscure console output with a table of typesetting errors. Clicking on these errors will direct you to the offending line in the LaTeX source.

Texpad’s elegant single window design saves you from the clutter of windows. In even the largest projects all files are accessible from the outline view to the left of the editor. This one-window design works especially well with OS X 10.7 Lion’s fullscreen mode.

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 破解版 – Mac上专业的LaTeX编辑器

Texpad for Mac 1.7.21 下载





