Wirecast Pro Mac 破解版 专业摄像直播视频工具下载
Wirecast分享价格实惠的软件,替代昂贵的硬件解决方案,知识兔用于在互联网上组织视频广播。Wirecast Pro,集成支持Blackmagic捕获卡。此外,该软件支持高质量视频格式主要概念H.264和On2 VP6闪存。为了制作和播放节目,你不再需要是电视运营商,并有适当的预算。
[Wirecast Pro 在知识兔好贵,O(∩_∩)O]
Wirecast Pro 13.0.2 Mac 破解版 介绍
Wirecast Pro可以让你从生活录像捕捉输入设备的数量不受限制,iOS相机(即将推出),电脑桌面、网页,和更多。然后知识兔在现场直播、转场、标题、下三分之一、更高层次上为你的广播增加波兰语和专业性。最后,知识兔使用内置的多格式编码能力和易流集成流媒体服务和CDN。
What’s New in Wirecast
Version 13.0.2:
New & Improved:
- WIRE-16316 – Now you can set your LinkedIn Live broadcasts to be visible only to your first-degree connections. Like if you don’t want your boss’s boss to see your live stream. Now you can do that.
- WIRE-14718 – We now correctly enable Wirecast Live captions in a YouTube event when setting that event to auto start.
- WIRE-16512 – If you tried to use Osprey 825e capture cards with Wirecast 13, you may have noticed they weren’t working very well, or at all. Try again – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised…
- WIRE-16505 – Sometimes good intentions backfire. A fix we made in 13.0.1 caused a crash when trying to load a saved Wirecast document with chroma key. It’s better now.
- WIRE-16500 – Fixed an issue where changes made to Color Space or Dynamic Range for a video source were not, in the strictest of terms, accurate. (At all.)
- WIRE-14923 – Fixed an error that caused audio to sometimes not play through the monitor unless the Mix Minus button was toggled, which one would not naturally think to do.
- WIRE-14637 – Fixed a miscellaneous issue with a miscellaneous solution for streaming with Wirecast Restreaming to certain destinations.
Version 12.2.0:
New Features:
- NDI ISO Recording and Replay
- Wirecast can now record independent NDI source feeds (ISO recording of NDI feeds). This also enables the use of NDI sources for instant replay
- Double click volume slider to set volume level to 0db
- Improve name reporting of Facebook Location Pages
- Reset button for Crop Controls in Shot Layer Properties
- Update notification dialog to inform users if the update can be ran given their support status
- Update the error message for Stock Media when support is expired
- Update the NDI SDK to the latest 3.8 version
- When adding a shot from ‘Edit’ Menu allow the user an easier way to add a source
- Add additional logging to diagnose timestamp issues in RTMP outputs
- Adding an NDI source from VLC the video output is missing with certain sources
- Ampersand incorrectly displayed on the Controllers Tab in Preferences
- Audio looping when NDI Sources become unavailable
- Blackmagic Devices through NDI not available in Wirecast
- Changing the graphics adapter then clicking restart causes indefinite hang
- Changing the system language and locale to certain languages will cause the preferences to reset at startup
- Colorspace dropdown is hidden when a source switches from RGB to YUV
- Crash changing Canvas Size
- Crash choosing Replay destination folder after adding duplicate Shortcut
- Crash when opening a Wirecast document with specific Text Sources
- Crash when reaching the Twitter/Periscope authorization timeout
- Custom Presets are not available when using platform presets
- Dynamic Destination Protocol: x264_preset not respected
- Improper capitalization in lead sentence in Stock Media Library warning message
- Improper layout when expanding the Add Shot dialog box
- Improper layout when resizing the Stock Media dialog box
- Improve LinkedIn Live failure logging
- Incorrect frame rate streaming to Wowza
- Korean Language – Web Stream configuration fields missing
- Labels swapped for shadow interface settings
- LinkedIn Live – Streaming to an organization then creating a broadcast as member results in server error
- LinkedIn Live – Switching between accounts does not refresh organizations popup
- LinkedIn Live – Unable to create a broadcast after finishing a broadcast
- Japanese: Incorrect formatting of a hyperlink on the Welcome to Wirecast screen
- Japanese: Incorrect translation for “Tip of the Day”
- Memory leaks while looping video
- Multi-Viewer Config Window shows incorrect resolution when a monitor is scaled at 200%
- NDI – Tampered Network Traffic with NDI Source causes Wirecast to crash
- Selecting the low bandwidth option results in bad video
- Out of process Task Sources will not display at full refresh rate in the multi-viewer until the source enters Preview/Live
- Odd license behavior when you select “Buy Wirecast” then close the purchase window
- QR Code inverted
- Remote rendezvous guest still hears audio from the microphone at full volume level
- Show the correct error message when entering a blacklisted serial
- Show the correct error message when entering an invalid serial
- Show the correct error message when exceeding the activation limit
- Stock Media Library: License tab of Preferences should indicate support date is also for SML
- Stock Media Library no character limit or restriction in search box.
- Support Restream.IO Chat in Web Page shot
- Text: Shadow Checkbox does not retain state
- Trial License does not allow certain PRO audio features
- Web Page source not animating, just static images
- Windows Media Server port number does not change
- Wirecast crashed when changing output audio device on macOS
- Wirecast One MBP Touch Bar displays five layers
- Wowza Stream Engine Logs report incorrect frame rate metadata
- XKEYS – Transition indicator lights are backwards unless the default transitions are used
Version 12.1.1:
- Microsoft Stream destination filter rejects valid custom domains
- QR Code does not work
- Rare crash with certain Blackmagic devices on macOS
- Removed CEF from YouTube destination authentication workflow
- Rendezvous Guest stops receiving video after changing the camera or microphone
- Rendezvous Guest tally lights do not work
- RSS Feeds do not work
- Unable to change active shot with AppleScript
Version 12.1.0:
- Add “Remind me later” option to the Wirecast Support Renewal nag page
- Implement preference for disabling unlicensed functionality
- 404 returned when requesting help from the Encoder Presets window
- Add Patios for LinkedIn Live Broadcast has ended alert message
- Adding a VLC NDI source to the document causes a crash on Windows
- Alpha issues with TL4 via NDI in WC12
- Always allow change user option in Facebook log-in
- Audio artifacts in Blackmagic and Magewell sources
- Build In / Build Out elements don’t move proportionally
- Cannot select Cut or Smooth from transitions dropdown menu after update
- Check mark icon does not show for options within the Matte drop down menu
- Clicking “Crosspost Settings” crashes Wirecast
- Entering a place prevents FB destination from recognizing verified pages
- Frozen video and synchronization problems when connecting to NDI sources in secondary documents
- Localization Mac OS: Stock Media Library download button cut off in localized versions
- Localization Windows OS: Stock Media Library cancel button cut off in localized versions
- Localization: “Primary Sound Driver” does not display properly.
- Memory leak/crash over time, ingesting 10 IP web streams
- Missing space on the Software Update Tab in Preferences
- NDI Sources remain in the add Source Dialog after being disconnected
- NDI buffer delay
- RTMPS output via Microsoft Azure destination does not work
- Removing an AVCapture source from the Rendezvous mix causes the audio to be removed from the Live Output mix if it is also in the Live Canvas
- Stock Media Library: Placeholder text shows when trying to select a folder to download Stock Media files to
- Titler Live NDI Shot events do not work
- Trademark not present beside “Wirecast” when licensed
- Two browser tabs are spawned when selecting “MIDI forum” from Preferences
- Unable to use 3D Plane transition in Wirecast 12.
- Web stream URI and Username input boxes appear as if they are the same input box
- Webstream HLS source video freezes after several hours
- Windows: Rendezvous Audio Mixer shows a blank drop down menu until an option is selected
- Wirecast Crashed when selecting a youtube event
- Wirecast EULA showing odd characters in section 2.6
- Wirecast Preferences do not save when computer language is set to Russian
- Wirecast crashed when editing changes in audio mixer
Wirecast Pro 13.0.2 Mac 破解版 下载