MacFamilyTree Mac 破解版 Mac上最强大的家谱制作软件下载
MacFamilyTree 是Mac平台的一款家谱制作工具,您可以创建家族树,并以多种方式显示。该家谱制作工具能够帮你制作优质的家谱图:直观地表现家族任务关系、表现复杂的家庭关系、横向表现、纵向表现、任务头像等,我们可以从家谱应用程序中导入和导出GEDCOM格式的文件,知识兔还支持标准的ACSLL和Unicode 编码。
[MacFamilyTree 在知识兔 59.99 ]
MacFamilyTree 9.0.10 Mac 破解版 介绍
MacFamilyTree 为族谱分享了一种全新的方式:现代的、交互式的、方便快捷的。探索你的族谱和你的家族历史,在你之前的几代记录者之前,你会喜欢
MacFamilyTree 8分享了多种选择,知识兔让您捕捉和可视化您的家族历史。现在,无论你想如何说明你的家庭关系——MacFamilyTree 8都有正确的解决方案,分享不同类型的报告、图表或创新的虚拟树3D视图。这些可能性几乎是无止境的——通过iCloud,你可以选择同步你的数据,访问一个庞大的家谱在线档案,知识兔以帮助你的研究,创建网站和家庭书籍,或者做你对MobileFamilyTree 8的研究,分别适用于iPhone、iPad和iPod touch。
- 结构良好,快速且易于使用的用户界面。
- 新的互动家庭树:让您浏览您的整个族谱,查看所有人和家庭,并直接添加人员。
- FamilySearch:做广泛的研究从来都不是更方便的——访问世界上最大的家谱档案,拥有数十亿的个人和家庭记录,知识兔从舒适的家中。
- 为了利用尖端的苹果技术来优化应用程序性能,专门为OS X开发的家谱研究。
What’s New in MacFamilyTree
Version 9.0.10:
- Issues using Source Citations in Books fixed
- Privacy settings are now evaluated correctly for the Kinship Report
- Error displaying long notes in the Edit section corrected
- Sorting in the Map Report improved
- Books: When selecting families or persons, the lists are now sorted correctly
- Search using FamilySearch improved
- Preparations for a future FamilySearch update
- Issue editing family event types corrected
- Fan Chart: Kinships are now correctly displayed for descendants
- Localization improvements
Version 9.0.7:
- Sorting in the Map Report now works as expected
- Stability of the Interactive Tree improved when multiple windows are used
- Sharing the Family Report via AirDrop now works as expected
- Issues in the settings of the Narrative Report fixed
- The Slideshow now works as expected
- Search improvements
- Notes that are referenced multiple times are now correctly imported from GEDCOM files
- Text of source citations will now import correctly from GEDCOM files
- Issues using the Web Research function fixed
- Sorting of Events in Charts improved
Version 9.0.4:
- Zooming by pinch gesture is now supported in the Edit Media section
- Cause and description of events can now be displayed when diagram with the Card style is selected
- Editing the tree chart improved
- Several stability improvements
Version 8.5.4:
- Directly open PDF files in the Preview app from the Edit Media section
- Backup window is now displayed correctly on smaller screens
- Bug fixes for older macOS versions, especially when using the new Edit Media section
- Localization updates
Version 8.5.3:
Note: Currently available for $29.99
- Display of website and audio icons improved when using the new Dark Mode in macOS Mojave
- Option added in the Edit Media section to open selected pictures with Preview
- Slideshow fixed for macOS 10.11 El Capitan and macOS 10.10 Yosemite
- Web Research sites updated
- Localization improvements
Version 8.5.1:
- Stability issue fixed when adding new media to a family tree
- Opening media from the search section is now working reliable
Version 8.4.3:
- Issue displaying custom event icons fixed
- Issue exporting web sites with images fixed when using Macs with a Retina display
- Cancel button when editing places now works as expected
- Performance enhancements when editing places in databases with a huge number of entered places
- Error merging family trees with associated persons fixed
- Localization updates
Version 8.3.4:
Note: Currently available for $29.99.
- Fixes using FamilySearch from within MacFamilyTree
MacFamilyTree 9.0.10 Mac 破解版 下载