Red Giant Keying Suite 11.1.8 Win/Mac注册版-红巨星抠像插件套装下载

红巨星公司最近更新了抠像插件套装,RedGiant Keying Suite 11.1.8,这套插件包含三个插件,分别为:Key Correct,Primatte Keyer,Red Giant Warp。其中Primatte Keyer是我们在绿屏抠像中常用的,其它两个都是辅助Primatte Keyer来完成抠像的更精细调整。在宣传片中你能看到几个插件的各自用途.

RedGiant又一强大套装,Keying Suite 主要用于视频抠像。抠像是后期合成中非常重要也是必不可少的技术,这套插件很适用,RedGiant Keying Suite抠像操作很强大,操作也不是很繁琐。插件有Mac和Win两个平台的版本。适用于32位和64位版本的After Effects ,当然也完美支持CS6。

Red Giant Keying Suite 11.1.8 Win/Mac注册版-红巨星抠像插件套装

RedGiant Keying Suite套装插件列表:
Key Correct 1.3
Primatte Keyer 5.1
Warp & Radium Glow 1.1.1

Primatte Keyer 5.1
Fast, Automatic Chroma-keying, with Pro-level control and accuracy.
– Remove your green/blue-screen with the touch of a single button
– The best user experience with the best results
– Correct uneven lighting, remove spill, and fine tune the important details

Primatte Keyer 5.1

Key Correct 1.3
Compositing cleanup and enhancement.
– Keep your composites looking natural
– Improve results from popular keyers
– Fine-tune alphas, color-match foregrounds to backgrounds, and remove unwanted elements

Key Correct 1.3

Warp 1.1
Shadows, reflections, glows, and corner pinning.
– Corner-pinning is easy with advanced After Effects integration
– Control perspective, falloff and more for reflections and shadows
– Now including 3 tools for unique glows and glimmers

Warp 1.1





