Beyond Compare Mac 破解版 Mac上强大的文件比较神器下载

Beyond Compare这是一款号称码农神器的软件,Beyond Compare能够在Mac OS系统上非常专业的对比两个文件或者两个文件夹的不同之处,并把每一个不同之处以不同的颜色加以区分,你可以很清楚很明显的了解到两个相似文件的不同支持,便于开发者们和设计人员工作之用。

[Beyond Compare 在知识兔 30.00 ]

Beyond Compare Mac 破解版 介绍

Beyond Compare 是一款不可多得的专业级的文件夹和文件对比工具。使用他可以很方便的对比出两个文件夹或者文件的不同之处。并把相差的每一个字节用颜色加以表示,查看方便,并且知识兔支持多种规则对比。

不仅仅限于两个文件,Beyond Compare 还可以比较电脑上两个目录中的内容,FTP地址的内容,知识兔以及文本档案的内容包括开发者们所用的UTF-8、html、Delphi源程序等文本档案的不同之处。


  • 并列比较文件夹、FTP 网站或 Zip 文件;
  • 类似浏览器的界面;
  • 可扩展子文件夹;
  • 隐藏比较不需要的文件夹;
  • 对差异进行色彩突出显示;
  • 根据内容对文件夹图标进行色彩编码;
  • 显示全部、仅差异、仅匹配;
  • 孤行、较旧的和较新的;
  • 按名称、类型、修改日期、大小或 CRC 分类;
  • 多线程操作;
  • 在后台比较文件。

What’s New in Beyond Compare


Notable Changes:
  • macOS: Upgraded to 64-bit and re-implemented interface in Cocoa. Supported versions are now macOS 10.11 through 10.15.
  • macOS: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive.
  • macOS: Text editor enhanced with macOS-specific behavior and improved performance.
  • macOS: Added support for Full Screen mode.
  • Fixed Patience Diff alignment never completing if the last line of the comparison is an orphan.
Cloud Services:
  • macOS: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive.
File Formats:
  • Fixed “Description” field for new file formats including text from most recently used file format.
  • macOS: Added support for autocompletion in path edits.
  • macOS: “Check for Updates” now uses HTTPS connections.
  • macOS: Fixed ‘Reveal in Finder’ so it doesn’t ask the user for permission to automate Finder before it works.
  • macOS: Added support for per-monitor high-DPI images.
  • macOS: App bundle is now notarized by Apple.
Registry Compare:
  • Windows: Fixed undo/redo handling of swapped sides.
Text Views:
  • macOS: Added support for custom keybindings in ~/Library/Keybindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict.
  • macOS: Added support for long-pressing a letter to select an accented variant.
  • macOS: Added support for system pop-up dictionary (Ctrl+Cmd+D).
  • macOS: Added support for deleting accents on characters and segments in multi-segment glyphs (Ctrl+BkSp).
  • macOS: Added support for Killing (Ctrl+K) and Yanking (Ctrl+Y)
  • macOS: Added support for setMark:, selectToMark:, deleteToMark:, swapWithMark: keybinding commands.
  • macOS: Improved editing performance.
Text Compare:
  • Fixed Patience Diff alignment never completing if the last line of the comparison is an orphan.
  • Fixed crash when sorting Folder Compare/Sync by CRC.
  • Windows: Fixed crash on exit when overriding the locale in the registry.
  • Linux/macOS: Fixed crash when moving symbolic links across filesystems.


File Views:
  • Fixed detecting character encoding errors when comparing files
  • Added Beyond Compare’s CPU architecture to Check for Updates query
  • Picture Compare
  • “Auto Scale”, “Blend Toggle”, and “Difference Offset” are no longer stored with session defaults
  • Text Merge
  • Fixed position of “File Info” panel


  • Added confirmation before canceling file operations when using Folder Compare’s “Align” command with two files/folders selected

Beyond Compare Mac 破解版 Mac上强大的文件比较神器

Beyond Compare 4.2.10 Mac 破解版 下载






