Dropshare Mac 破解版 强大易用的网络文件共享工具下载
Dropshare 5 是一款Mac上强大易用的网络文件共享工具,知识兔使用Dropshare,只要你设置好远程服务器的连接信息,Dropshare 支持 SSH 密匙连接、Amazon S3(第三方)、RACKSPACE,并且知识兔可从其他安装 Dropshare 的 Mac 上导入 Connection 设置。
[Dropshare 在 Mac App Store上128]
Dropshare 5.4.2 Mac 破解版 介绍
dropshare是你自己的安全的文件共享工具。dropshare是一个拖放上传文件菜单栏的应用,截图甚至目录到你自己的服务器,Amazon S3或Rackspace的云文件。与朋友、客户、同事或其他人分享文件从来没有这么专业过!dropshare是一个安全的替代云托管的文件共享。而不是通过云端没有控制和每月的财务承诺服务共享你的文件,就要使用自己的服务器:dropshare原生支持安全拷贝(SCP在SSH),一个安全的行业标准协议的文件传输。另外如果知识兔你没有自己的服务器或SSH的帐户在您的处置dropshare支持上传到亚马逊简单存储服务(S3)和Rackspace的云文件,这都是低价的档案托管云服务。相比其他云托管的文件共享服务,dropshare直接连接到自己的亚马逊S3存储桶或Rackspace云文件的容器,所以没有第三方参与所有。dropshare支持多种连接方式:您可以设置不同的上传目的地在同一时间和切换使用自定义键盘快捷键!
选择你的网址缩短服务:dropshare支持网址缩写服务以及选择不同的原生支持(例如,goo.gl URL或DSH,RE),或配置您自己的网址缩写服务如bit.ly(托管服务)或YOURLS(自托管服务)。
减价的HTML:如果知识兔启用,dropshare Markdown文件自动转换HTML。
服务功能:dropshare介绍自己的Mac OS X服务菜单。通过这样做,您可以完美地使用Mac OS X分享的工具来创建特定操作的键盘快捷键。
What’s New in Dropshare
Version 5.4.2:
- Fixed an issue with large-file uploads and app crashes: Dropshare is now way more stable and uses less memory when uploading large files (2GB+)
Version 5.3:
- Introducing Microsoft OneDrive – Upload and share files with OneDrive and Dropshare for macOS now
- Improving Dropshare Annotation Tool – Besides a cleaner UI, you can now drag & drop the annotated image to other apps
- Introducing support for CleanShot.app – Annotate screenshots with CleanShot and upload them with Dropshare, now available
Version 5.2:
- Introducing Custom Domain support for Azure Blob Storage
- Drag & Drop from the Annotation Editor is now possible
Bug Fixes
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 5.1.5:
Bug Fixes:
- We’ve fixed an issue with signing up for Dropshare Cloud within the Mac app
Version 5.1:
New Features:
- Introducing WeTransfer – upload files up to 2GB for free with WeTransfer and Dropshare
- Introducing Handoff – easily capture and upload photos and multi-page documents with your iOS device
- Introducing options for automated deployment – installing Dropshare on multiple Macs automatically is now easier
- Introducing support for promised files – Dropshare can now deal with file promises, e.g. with screenshots taken with the new macOS screenshot utility
Bug Fixes:
- Fixing a crash with voice recording for screen recordings
- Fixing a crash when trying to annotate screenshots with an app not installed
- When uploading folders as archives, Dropshare is now responsive during the archive creation
Dropshare 5.4.2 Mac 破解版 下载