Cocktail 9.3.5 for MacOSX注册版-Mac增强工具下载
Cocktail for Mac是一种MacOSX的增强工具. 可以修改很多一般用户不能设置和修改的系统隐藏属性与设置.如 隐藏文件, 文件类型存储等,知识兔可以让您清洁,修复和优化您的Mac。它是一个功能强大的数字工具集,知识兔帮助世界各地的成千上万Mac用户,每天充分利用他们的计算机。该应用程序分享了维修工具和调整,都可以通过一个干净的,易于使用的界面完美结合。Cocktail for Mac的特征分为5类,知识兔可以帮助你管理你的电脑的各个方面。它还配备了一个自动模式,可让您只需按下一个按钮然后知识兔休息,Cocktail for Mac将把剩下的事情做好。
Features Cocktail 9
* Automatically check SMART disk health status
* Enable or disable logging
* Repair disk permissions
* Reset permissions on the home directory and access control lists
* Set the sleep drive (spindown)
* Enable or disable the Sudden Motion Sensor
* Run the periodic maintenance scripts
* Cleaning inactive memory and optimize the use of virtual memory
* Enable or disable virtual memory swapping
* Management Spotlight indexing
* Erase codes Spotlight
* Change Time Machine preferences
* Rebuild Launch Services database
* Change the startup mode, or set the start-up delay
* The strength of the empty basket
* Mute start
* Disable Notification Center
* Clear the cache system
* Clear cache user
* Clear cache fonts
* Clear virtual memory pagefile
* Clear temporary files
* Clear Internet cache
* Clear Cookies, download lists, form values and history files
* Clear cache Adobe Flash Player and cookies
* Search corrupted file settings
* Delete unnecessary localization
* Clean and manage (view, print and save) the log files
* Clear the DNS cache
* Delete files invisible DS Store
* Delete locked or inaccessible items
* Changing the speed, duplex, and MTU network cards
* It is easy to optimize the network settings for common types of connection
* Change the IP configuration settings
* Configure built (File Sharing) OS X file server
* Customize the appearance and the possibility of Finder, Dock, a login window, and other system services
* Change hidden settings Safari, Mail, Itunes, and QuickTime X
* Setting the default file save location in the allowed application ICloud