App Tamer 2.2 MacOSX 注册版-电池续航优化下载
App Tamer for Mac是一套于帮你在Mac系统中暂停常驻程序、延长电池续航力的软件,特别适用已经换装SSD或是新一代MBA的用户!平时我们外出或者在没有电源的情况下可以开启此软件, 以延长我们电池的续航能力
App Tamer的假设使用情境是当我们同时执行多种软件,如浏览器、绘图程序…等等,有时Photoshop作图累了,切换至浏览器找寻资料,此时,后台中闲 置的Photoshop程序仍会短暂使用CPU资源,App Tamer就是设计来「冰冻」这些暂时不使用的软件。当我们想继续工作时,切换回Photoshop视窗时,App Tamer会释放冷冻中的Photoshop,知识兔让我们继续工作。
App Tamer tames applications that are chewing up excessive CPU time and battery life on your Mac. Its unique “AutoStop” feature will stop an application when you switch away from it, and then automatically restart it when you click back to it. App Tamer includes an attractive and clear user interface for managing your running applications. It shows the average percentage of your processor(s) being used by each app, and graphically displays a history of CPU usage. You can easily enable AutoStop for any application, as well as change its processing priority in OS X.
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