MeldaProduction MAudioPlugins v10.03 Win/Mac 注册版下载
来自捷的MeldaProduction出品音频效果处理软件包,计算机音频处理终极集成插件,MeldaProduction的MTotalBundle是最终的缩混效果器大集合,它目前包含70个效果器,包含几乎所有音频处理任务所需要的工具,。 MTotalBundle将您的计算机转换成一个一流专业音响系统,MTotalBundle包含所有效果覆盖所有必需的任务:如作曲,混音和母带制作!
Meldaproduction Mtotalbundle将转换您的计算机成为一流的专业音响工作室。新版本更新包含传统的捆绑插件以及革命性的技术.高速,简单,清澈健全和最小的噪音水平是MeldaProduction的标准.该软件包包含了传统的插件,以及我们的革命性技术,以使您的录音听起来令人难以置信,即使知识兔你没有用了过去50年来,作为一个音频工程师。高速,简单,清澈的声音和噪声水平极低的标准MeldaProduction。
27. 08. 2016 All effects and MPowerSynth have been updated to 10.03 and MBassador released
10.03 is an important update which fixes/improves several problems and provides several new features and optimizations. It is recommended to install this update. To do that, get the newest version from our download page and use it.
See the list of changes for effects and list of changes for MPowerSynth for further information. Additionally a new plugin has been released – MBassador, a unique bass enhancer and sub-bass generator, which is free for MTotalBundle, MMixingBundle and MMasteringBundle users and now available for an introductory price. It has been added to MXXX and MPowerSynth as well.