Smith Micro Moho Pro v12.0.0.20763 x64 Win/Mac注册版-动画制作下载
Smith Micro Moho Pro 一款高大上的2D动画制作软件,全新的2D动画制作软件Smith Micro Moho Pro 12针对64位机器优化了软件运行速度和在软件占用系统内存上做了改进,充分利用图形处理单元(GPU)加速,支持导入复杂的Adobe Photoshop和Manga Studio文件和支持Wacom® Multi-Touch数位板。它分享了多种高级动画工具和特效来加速工作流程。
Smith Micro Moho Pro 12用2D技术实现了以前只有用3D软件才能实现的“bone rigging”功能。能使画有骨骼构造的图片能有自由地活动,使在 或 看见的2D图像在短时间内就能简单制作出来。软件最突出的革新成果就是实现了用骨骼系统操作各种复杂动作,并完成中间动画自动生成和自动着色,使多年来许多从事动画专业的专家和工作人员梦寐以求的现代化工具成为现实。
Smith Micro Moho Pro 12软件还实现了二维软件难以实现的动力学系统,充分利用粒子系统将二维动画十分繁重的劳动加以简化,提高俄丶二维动画的生产效 率。如果知识兔把过去的二维动画生产速度比做自行车,Anime Studio就像汽车,二维动画的生产速度提高了许多倍。
Smith Micro Moho Pro软件的开发还实现了在二维软件中很难实现的摄影机功能,把三维软件OBJ文件直接使用在二维系统,并实现各种不同角度的自由旋转,宛如三维动画一样,极大地方便了动画创作人员和工作人员的创作思想,大幅度减轻了劳累量。软件,整合切边技术,采矢量图的概念,优化图像,支持音频结合于动画的功能;可以在动画人物身上绑定骨骼,设置封套,制作爆炸效果,粒子动画,骨骼动力学,渲染动画,镜头远近效果。
NEW Moho Pro 12 Features
NEW! Enhanced Freehand Drawing Tools
Freehand tools have been hugely improved, giving more accuracy and creating less points.
NEW! Bezier Handles
Get more design control with customizable vector Bezier handles. Create unique line bends with fewer points and optimized for animation!
NEW! Smart Warp
Create custom meshes that can bend, shape, twist and animate assets. Works for both images and vectors and can be used with Smart Bones™!
NEW! Realistic Motion Blur
A new setting allows for true motion blur. Control the amount of frames and blend. Apply to any moving asset for instant results!
NEW! Animate Multiple Layers at the Same Time
Get MORE done by editing multiple layers on the timeline in Moho™ 12. No more jumping back and forth between layers for complex tasks!
NEW! Pin Bones
Add one point bones to alter, move and reshape assets in fun new ways. Combine with traditional bones for more complex animations. Works with both vectors and images!
Icons are bolder, the library and layers panels have been revamped and a new backend panel allows for easy color and brightness customization.
NEW! Export/Import Actions
Share actions with other rigs! Export an action to use later or import it into another rig. As long as the rig has a similar structure, your action will work!
And much more!
Moho™ offers the most powerful 2D rigging system and mix it with frame by frame, Particles, Physics and many other features. Get professional results for animation or games easier and faster!