SolidCAM 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks 2018-2024 x64 注册版下载
SolidCAM 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks 是领先的集成CAM软件,是唯一拥有无与伦比的专利iMachining解决方案的CAM,使用可直接在SolidWorks 2018 – 2024 版本软件上运行,因为它是无缝集成于 SolidWorks,所以所有的内容都是直接在软件内部运行,意味着你无需再适应一个软件,拥有高级的刀具路径生成,支持从2轴车床和3轴铣床到极其复杂的多轴MillTurn机床和Wire Edm,模型和刀具路径是完美关联的,可自动适应更改并验证所有加工操作而无需进行多余的设置和调整。并启在铣削零件时与其它CAM软件相比,SolidCAM iMachining在试切时易学易用和节约编程时间、极大的延长刀具使用寿命方面赢得优势,这将大大的提高效率,并节省成本!
注意:SolidCAM 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks 是以插件的方式运行在SOLIDWORKS软件中,所以电脑必装先安装SOLIDWORKS软件(必须是安装版,不适用于免安装版)才行,还要注意每个版本对应的SW的版本。知识兔分享有各版本的SolidWorks软件,站内搜索下载安装。
SolidCAM 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks 功能特色
- Inventor软件的所有功能
- 5轴和多轴操作
- 三维、弯曲和对角线刀具路径
- 找到最佳切割路线的可能性
- 从GIS、CAD读取、写入数据并将其转换为多种格式
- 使用各种方法进行刀具路径模拟
- 利用各种类型的数控代码特定功能以及相互比较的能力
- 先进的分析工具,如尺寸和距离计算、物理细节和估计的加工时间
- 支持3轴铣削和定位2+3
- 通过旧方法的支持提高生产效率
SolidCAM-system of CAD / CAM which by a new generation of the firm SolidCAM is developed(official distributor in Russia). This system is a complete solution for automating the production of metals. Using a wide range of suggested strategies of turning, milling and electrical discharge process machining engineer can in a short time the necessary set of products, machining, CNC, the preparation does.
Features and software features and plugin SolidCAM :
- High efficiency
- Support of different strategies to handle items such as contour, sampling and Channel
- A variety of machining holes, such as drilling, grouting, and drill up,
- Machining axis, the levels of analytical
- Providing a wide range of tools that can be effectively for the Troubleshooting of the products with complicated geometry, such as pieces of prismatic used.
- Machining the axle using a level of three-dimensional or model solid
- Provide tools to identify and correct areas in which stage of change the previous troubleshooting have not been.
- Create the database from the standard and after the creation of a process parameter can be in the future reused alliance
- Has many features for automatic creation of program for Operation Turning and milling
- Support rotate tool, which allows you to do a boil and transfer the drilling to the processing centers to pay
- Wire EDM allows the internal lines and the external angle of the fixed and variable processing are.
- Providing parameters for the processing of physical on the whole route
SOLIDWORKS 2020 System Requirements
Operating System
- Supported Systems:
- Windows 10, Windows 11 64-Bit
- Windows 7 SP1, 64-Bit (End of Life: SW2020 SP5)
- Not Supported Systems:
- Windows 8.1 64-Bit
- Windows 8.0, 64-Bit
- Windows 7 SP1, 32-Bit
- Vista Business x64 SP2
- XP x64
- 32 bit Windows
SolidCAM 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks 2018-2024 x64 注册版