MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 2023 Multilingual 注册版-视频编辑下载
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 是一款家庭级视频制作软件,其功能强大,且使用简单,内置丰富的模板可以随意调用,从而轻松的制作好各种创意视频,能够满足大部分用户的视频编辑要求。该软件操作简单,更加的小巧,但是功能还是强大,而且知识兔它已破解所有的功能都可以使用,与其他版本相比它,添加了更多令人兴奋的工具,具有世界一流的视频稳定功能,完整的360°编辑工作流程,运动跟踪等等,除此之外还新增加了颜色分级窗口,改进了情节提要板功能,增强了可调色温功能,改进了Hi-DPI界面,全新的特定于任务的默认布局/仪表板等等,知识兔可以大幅度的提高用户的工作效率,为你轻松的创建创意十足的作品。
无论是用手机快速拍摄还是专业拍摄:只需几分钟,即可通过 Movie Studio 将您的素材变成令人惊叹的高质量电影。
多机位镜头将您的电影提升到一个新的水平:从采访中的反向镜头到戏剧性的镜头构图,它开辟了全新的可能性。借助 Movie Studio,知识兔可以完全自动化地编辑来自多台摄像机的素材。
从入门级机器到高端工作站,Movie Studio 可让您充分利用硬件,并在任何设置下顺利工作。
From your experience to amazing videos. Capture what’s important to you, and tell your story. Movie Studio offers a smooth editing experience with a powerful video engine, creative effects and an intuitive interface – professional video production for everyone.
Simply powerful: Movie Studio
Simplicity is key with Movie Studio: From importing your media with simple drag and drop to using the most advanced features. No matter your skills or knowledge, editing your videos should always be intuitive and fun. Use the automatic workflows, or explore infinite creative possibilities. The powerful Infusion Engine speeds up your process: Incredibly fast import and export times allow you to dive straight into the smooth editing workflow: Edit faster, and take full control of your footage.
Intuitive features, impressive videos
Easily import media recorded on any device with simple drag and drop. Explore convenient templates for many use cases, and find all the features you could wish for in an elegant, unified workflow. From producing your own soundtrack and utilizing 2D or even 3D animations to doing the final touches with integrated colour grading, Movie Studio gives you everything to tell your story in the most powerful way – share it with your family, your friends, or the whole world.
Your personal creative toolbox
Your fully customizable workspace adapts to your preferences and gives you everything you need at a glance – making the most of your individual screen setup. Effortlessly explore a large toolbox full of creative features for transitions, effects, titles, sound design, graphics, animations and so much more: Adjust colour, stabilize shaky images or apply layer masks with simple, yet effective options – including an impressive wizard for whenever you need perfect results in a blink of an eye.
A powerhouse for your creativity
The engine that powers Movie Studio builds on native hardware support for graphics cards by Intel, NVIDIA and AMD. The result is instant and seamless previews without the need for proxy files or time-consuming rendering.
Let your videos socialize
Getting your work ready for sharing has never been that easy. Optimize your films for YouTube, Instagram or any other platform. Instantly transform your video to vertical or square formats, and chose from a large selection of templates, filters, and effects. So many options to inspire your most creative posts!
Highlights of Movie Studio
– Up to 900 effects, titles, templates & transitions
– Easy colour correction
– Professional image stabilization
– Burn DVDs & Blu-ray discs
– INFUSION Engine 2 for unparalleled performance
– Edit and export 8K Ultra HD Video
支持操作系统: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10,Windows 11 (64-bit only)
MAGIX Movie Studio Platinum 2023 Multilingual 注册版
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