Data Guardian for Mac 4.0 注册版 – 数据卫士为您Mac上的隐私把关下载
Data Guardian是一款能够为您Mac上的隐私把关的实用工具。Data Guardian分享给您清除于平曰上网浏览网页时所留下的纪录,并且知识兔可以清除其他使用者使用Mac时所留下的痕迹,知识兔让您可以无后顾之忧地享受使用Mac的乐趣。
[Data Guardian 在Mac App Store19]
Data Guardian for Mac 4.0 介绍
Data Guardian是一个安全的数据库应用,知识兔可以保护如通讯录,客户资料库,圣诞购物清单,杂志,甚至是记事本的各种资料
在知识兔世界上安全和隐私是最重要的两个问题,数据卫士是一个安全的数据库应用,如通讯录,客户资料库,圣诞购物清单,杂志,密码管理,甚至是记事本,能 够为用户的隐私把关,Data Guardian分享使用者清除于平日上网浏览网页时所留下的纪录,并且知识兔可以清除一些使用者使用计算机时所留下的痕迹,知识兔让使用者可以更无后顾之忧地享受使 用计算机的乐趣。
Data Guardian是一个安全的数据库应用程序。安全与隐私是当今世界最重要的两个问题;在你电脑上的便利贴上留下密码不会再被删了。数据守护程序是一个安全的数据库应用程序,有多达448位的河豚加密——不管你的数据有多敏感。在数据监护人中创建多个数据库,知识兔用于各种目的,如通讯录、客户数据库、圣诞购物清单、日志、密码管理器,甚至是记事本。
What’s New
Version 4.0:
- New Feature: Overall application interface updated and improved.
- New Feature: Threaded vCard exporter.
- New Feature: Threaded 1Password PIF exporter.
- New Feature: Sandboxed; you must now re-select your home database.
- New Feature: Complete redesign for smart collection editor.
- New Feature: Can now close import/export windows to cancel threads.
- New Feature: 64-bit support for Windows.
- New Feature: Export to HTML now threaded.
- New Feature: Export to HTML can now export multiple icons in records.
- New Feature: Export to HTML settings now remembered.
- New Feature: Dynamic field records in HTML export. This is now the only preset as it is the most versatile. To create your own, see the documentation.
- Modification: Completely recoded HTML export.
- Modification: Tons and tons of under the hood improvements.
- Bug Fix: Fixed error launching phone number fields using the little icon with the arrow in it.
- Bug Fix: Corrected a crash in the crash reporter on Windows.
- Bug Fix: Fixed serious memory leak in the Recents menu.
- Bug Fix: Open in Safari works again in Export window.
- Bug Fix: Database Templates support folders now correctly created in Application Data folder.
Data Guardian for Mac 4.0 下载