Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.1.4 多语言中文注册版-重复文件清理下载

Duplicate Cleaner 是由英国著名的 DigitalVolcano 软件公司精心设计与出品的一款专注于重复文件、目录查找与清理的系统工具,该软件能够根据字节、MD5 以及其他多种哈希算法等内容比较方式,知识兔帮助你快速地查找出重复的图片、音乐以及各种其他类型的文件,长期使用电脑且不注重优化清理必然会造成大量的文件重复冗余。

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.1.4 多语言中文注册版-重复文件清理


Duplicate Cleaner 具备丰富的重复文件搜索模式、过滤规则等搜索选项,比如在查找图像、音乐、视频、文档等文件时,知识兔可以预先设定好文件的内容、文件名、大小、日期等过滤条件,通过搜索规则和扫描路径两大选项卡的一系列设定后立即扫描重复项,搜索结果会以不同颜色的条目分组显示便于用户快速查阅与取舍。

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.1.4 多语言中文注册版-重复文件清理


  • 快速查找重复文件;
  • 清理硬盘驱动器意味着更快的性能;
  • 快速扫描、准确的重复比较;
  • 定位重复的音乐文件,包含 MP3、M4A 以及更多格式;
  • 查找相似图片,已调整大小、已旋转或已编辑以及更多;
  • 查找重复目录;
  • 灵活的搜索设置;
  • 智能选择助手;
  • 搜索家庭或网络驱动器;
  • 搜索多个位置;
  • 导入/导出搜索结果;
  • 在详细列表中查看所有文件信息;
  • 窗口大且可调大小,便于浏览;
  • 便捷的并排比较图像预览窗口;
  • 删除重复文件至回收站;
  • 移动重复文件到新位置;
  • 将重复文件转换成(Hard Links)硬连接;
  • 保护 Windows 和系统文件、DLL 以及 EXE 文件;
  • 支持多国语言(含简、繁体中文)用户界面;
  • 无间谍软件、无广告或任何其他流氓行为;

4.1.3 更新日志:
Updates and improvements to Camera RAW Image support
Improvements to the updating of the Duplicate Folder list after removing files
Bugfix: Error messages on starting (Path/Folder tree)
Language updates
Installer tweaks

4.1.1 更新日志:
Can now read metadata from Camera RAW Images (Scanning and preview)
Option to use embedded preview when scanning Camera RAW Images [Faster]
Improvements & fixes to Image Preview window
New list filters: Addded file type groupings & improved file filter editor
Added .jpe file extension support
New Criteria – Ignore duplicate groups within same folder (Duplicates in different folders only)
Thumbnail mode now supports RAW Images (Uses embedded JPG)
Keyboard shortcut for Find window: ‘Find next’ [CTRL-N]
Selected rows now retained upon sorting list
Added option to turn off duplicate list tooltips
Added command line switch to skip loading of folders from profile [/nf]
Bugfix – Removed extra comma on end of CSV export
Bugfix – Bug loading 4.0.5 and earlier profiles into 4.1.0
Bugfix – Current line moves to top of list after marking with Image Preview
Bugfix – Image mode – ‘Exact match’ not working for RAW Images
Other Misc fixes

4.0.4 更新日志:
Image mode – 100% Exact pixels comparison mode added
Image Preview – various improvements including selectable thumbnail size/ratio
Overwrite/Rename option for Move/Copy function
Improved ‘Find in list’ functionality : selectable search columns
Improved layout for High-DPI/Large font/4K displays
Improved group ordering
Refresh list (check files) operation now background threaded
Bugfix – Database not found when using network UNC based profile location
Bufgix – Hard linking on read-only files leaves temp files
Bufgix – slow down when cycling through files with Image Preview window open
Bugfix – Removed group-related filters on unique tab
Bugfix – List position changes when marking and current position >50000
Other bugfixes

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.0.3 更新日志:
– Drive group view in path scan list;
– Hash cache improvements;

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.1.4
Download 城通网盘:https://545c.com/file/3477565-420345649
Download 百度云盘:https://qan.baidu.com/s/1sxyWn66Cp4_Z5NPAH4fAyw 密码:7np2

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.1.3
Download 城通网盘:https://545c.com/file/3477565-404628517
Download 城通网盘:https://t00y.com/file/18818253-404628515
Download 百度云盘:https://qan.baidu.com/s/1u9sJfRDPOzqHM1hFEN7CMA 密码:xdye

Duplicate Cleaner Pro v4.0.3
Download 城通网盘:http://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/vV6155539707
Download 百度云盘:http://qan.baidu.com/s/1i4J5HLN 密码:0mud





