Alien Skin Exposure X2 Bundle Revision 36993 注册版附注册机下载

Alien Skin Exposure X2 Bundle套件是一个照片编辑器和组织,集成Alien Skin获奖的照片编辑应用程序到一个单一的产品.捆绑的核心是Exposure X,,编辑应用程序,简化您的工作流程,并分享了一套丰富的创意工具。另外包含两个应用,提高创作可能性:Blow Up 3(图片无损放大插件与图片锐利的大小调整技术,可用于打印大尺寸照片,Snap Art 4(手绘效果插件)将您的照片制作成华丽,手工绘画效果。

Alien Skin Exposure X2 Bundle Revision 36993 注册版附注册机

PS胶片效果调色滤镜Alien Skin Exposure为数码照片分享胶片的曝光,还包括模仿胶片的颗粒感,并且知识兔可以控制胶片颗粒的分布。特色功能还有,冷暖色调调整、胶片负冲效果、柔光镜效果、锐化、对比度、黑白效果等,其中褪色留红效果是近来十分流行的低饱和类色调中最常见的一种。

Photoshop 插件 – Exposure 把胶卷的外观和质感加上数码照片、 荣获不少奖项的Photoshop插件、Exposure变新的同时,功能被进一步强化。超过300的预置的特殊效果, 加上动态距离、颜色、锐化、对比、粒子等调整功能, 配合 Portra、 Velvia、 Kodachrome、Polaroid、TRI-X等的胶卷数据, 要再现Agfa、Scala、GAF 500、Kodak EES等的胶卷效果并不困难。


灵活的工作,你想怎么样的效果 – 曝光X套件将进行调整。它有一个专业的独立的相片编辑器工具。它还可以做为Lightroom或Photoshop插件进行工作。曝光编辑您的RAW无损文件,并分享强大的组织工具,可定制的用户界面和速度。行业领先的图像放大工具使您能够分享大尺寸打印如水晶般清晰。

– Adobe Photoshop CS6 -Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.3或CC 2017 者更高版本
– Adobe Lightroom 6 -Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 或CC 2017 者更高版本

Alien Skin Exposure X2 Bundle Revision 36993 注册版附注册机

The Exposure X Bundle is a photo editor and organizer that integrates all of Alien Skin’s award-winning photo editing apps into a single product.. The centerpiece of the bundle is Exposure X, the editing app that streamlines your workflow and provides a rich set of creative tools. Two additional apps expand the creative possibilities: Blow Up 3 enlarges your photos into large prints with the sharpest resizing technology available, and Snap Art 4 transforms your photos into gorgeous, handcrafted paintings.

What’s New in Alien Skin Exposure X2 Bundle:
Complete Photo Manager
• File and folder operations (copy, move, rename, delete)
• Flags/Stars/Colors for organizing and culling
• Filtering and filter presets to see only the photos you are interested in
• new Drag files to Apple Finder or Windows Explorer to copy or move them
• Drag an image or folder onto Exposure to visit that folder and create a bookmark
• Metadata display in the thumbnails, preview, and panel
• Batch file renaming
• new Adjust capture time
• new Full text search to find images by a variety of criteria
• new Enhanced selection and sorting options
• new Enhanced export options (file type, resizing, and renaming)
• new Ability to create and manage workflow presets (import, export, categorize, rename, and more)

Support for a variety of DSLR and mirrorless cameras
• NEW Lens distortion correction for a variety of popular lenses
• Supports a variety of file types (RAW, TIFF, JPEG, DNG)

NEW PSD support
• Browse thumbnails for Photoshop files
• Add Exposure effects to Photoshop composites
• Launch Photoshop directly from Exposure

Non-destructive editing
Catalog-free workflow
• No need to import images
• Easy moving of images between computers or external storage
• Easy backup
• Cloud syncing to easily work from multiple computers or collaborate

Copy from card
• Copy from multiple cards at once
• Work on other things while copy happens in background
Send a photo to an external editor and then bring back the results

Over 500 Gorgeous Presets
• Accurate film emulation, spanning the entire history of film photography
• Subtle, modern portrait films
• Saturation boost for landscapes
• High-contrast black and white
• Vintage looks, such as daguerreotype
• Cinema looks
• Infrared
• new Faded looks for a hazy, dreamy effect
• Hundreds more beautiful looks

Basic Effects
Basic operations
• Exposure, contrast, saturation, and other common adjustments
• White balance eyedropper
• Temperature and tint controls
• Detail Panel – noise reduction and sharpening
• new Adjustable histogram with clipping overlays
• new History panel to retrace editing steps and see specific slider values
• Adjustable overall intensity slider to blend effects with original image

The plug-in requirements are as follows:
– Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 or newer
– Adobe Lightroom 6 or Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 or newer


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