Paragon Virtualization Manager 14 Professional x86/x64 注册版下载

Paragon Virtualization Manager是由Paragon Technologie GmbH.推出的一款虚拟化系统迁移管理软件。通过该软件可以在一台计算机上使用不同的操作系统;在新电脑上虚拟环境中享受您最喜爱的旧电脑的应用;对新软件进行评价;在不同的虚拟环境下进行系统引导。

Paragon Virtualization Manager 14 Professional x86/x64 注册版

Paragon Virtualization Manager是一个强大的系统部署工具,它可以帮助您轻松转移基于Windows的系统到一个不同的硬件环境或虚拟环境(P2V)中.虚拟化可以帮助您整合服务器设备,减少硬件花费,提高IT运营效率,最多可减少80%的能源消耗.

Microsoft discontinues Windows XP support by the 8th of April, which exposes your XP system to serious security threats. Use Paragon Virtualization Manager 14 Compact to save your Windows XP and run it as a virtual machine inside a new Windows 10.

As you might have heard, Microsoft will stop supporting Win XP by the 8th of April. However you can still use your XP-System but since you will not get any security updates anymore it might not be the best idea to keep it as your main/productive system. What to do? Just use Paragon Virtualization Manager to virtualize your XP-System that came to love (over the past decade). You can then run any other OS such as Windows 7/8/Linux and anytime you be homesick, you can just start your virtual machine and use XP. Of course, this will also work for all other reasons than homesickness.

Key Features:

P2V Copy. Migrate a physical system to a virtual machine or convert a backup image to a virtual disk. Migrate from 2TB+ physical drive to smaller virtual drive (it’s very helpful as most of hypervisors do not support 2TB+ virtual drives).
P2V Adjust. Recover the OS startup ability after an unsuccessful virtualization by a 3rd party tool.
Create VD. Create a virtual disk with a simple wizard.
Support for Major Virtual Machines. Oracle Virtual Box 4; Microsoft Virtual PC; VMware Workstation; VMware Fusion.





