Autodesk Stingray 2017 v1.5 多语言注册版-3D游戏引擎下载

你玩游戏的话,应该对于Autodesk在这个领域的贡献不陌生。Autodesk著名的产品有Maya3ds Max这样的建模软件,还有大名鼎鼎的Scaleworm,以及一系列的动画和纹理制作工具。不过游戏这块蛋糕怎么做 很大程度上还是由类似Unity、Unreal这样的引擎做主的,后两者受到开发者追捧的程度从市场上就能看得出来。不过从2015年8月19日,一个新的竞争者出现,Autodesk自己的游戏引擎Stingray。

Autodesk Stingray 2017 v1.5 多语言注册版-3D游戏引擎


Autodesk的游戏负责人Frank Delise表示,Butsquid的核心没有做出什么较大改变。不过在其他方面就有变化了,像是用了不同的界面,而且知识兔和Autodesk的设计工具结合得更加紧密。很难说Stingray能让游戏做到何等程度,但从截屏来看似乎还挺不错。


Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure, has released 1.4 version of Stingray Game engine, a game engine and 3D application aimed at indie game developers.

Stingray 1.4 (1.4.728.0) delivers improved connectivity with Autodesk 3D tools, adds support for more VR platforms, and provides experimental support for WebGL2, letting developers deploy projects to certain web browsers. This release of Stingray also includes numerous other updates that improve usability in several functional areas of the engine.

In addition, this Stingray release supports network licensing. Updated Autodesk licensing and installation information is included in this version of the Stingray online help.

Autodesk Stingray 1.4 Additional Features:

– The Stingray 1.4 release offers improved VR capabilities and enhanced connectivity with Maya LT, facilitating a powerful art-to-engine workflow for game developers.
– Improved support for VR platforms includes compatibility with the Oculus Rift SDK v1.3 and the SteamVR SDK v0.9.19.
– Flow scripting for HTC Vive controllers offers a faster and more efficient way to add interactivity to VR experiences, while simplifying the process for designers to create and test their prototypes.
– Unique to Stingray, support for WebGL2 enables developers to test their projects on WebGL2 supported browsers.
– Level sync, with Maya LT, enables artists to link and export entire scenes directly to Stingray. This creates an easier way to build, iterate, review and change game levels and design scenes, without having to manually reproduce layouts in two tools.
– Easier asset share between different Stingray projects further benefits collaborative work environments.





