OfficeFIX Platinum Professional 6.117 注册版-Office文件修复下载

OfficeFIX是一个Microsoft Office的修复工具,它可以修复损坏的Excel,Access和Word文档。分享修复文件的向导功能。OfficeFix可以帮助用户快速的修复Word、Excel、Access、Outlook等软件损坏的内容,支持所有版本的Office版、包括95,97,2000,2002(XP),2003,2007,Office 2010Office 2013Office 2016

OfficeFIX Platinum Professional 6.117 注册版-Office文件修复

支持恢复表,公式、查询,窗体,报表,宏,模块,索引、页面格式、字体和样式、页眉和页脚,表的内容,词汇,超链接,书签,列表以及Outlook PST文件恢复等等。 如果知识兔你在办公的时候遇到office软件崩溃、access数据库无法打开的情况时就试试officefix吧。


AccessFIX is the best option for Microsoft® Access database recovery and undelete. Restores all the important elements in the file accurately.

OfficeFIX Platinum Professional 6.117 注册版-Office文件修复

The following are some of the features of AccessFIX:

  • Recovers the information from a corrupt Microsoft® Access database and saves into a new and trouble-free database.
  • Supports all versions of Microsoft® Access including Access 365, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), 2000, 97 and 95.
  • Recovers tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, indexes and relations.
  • Recovers records that have been deleted from a table.
  • Recovers deleted tables.
  • Recovers all types of fields including autonumeric, replica ID and high precision numbers (Decimal).
  • Recovers MEMO and OLE fields.


ExcelFIX is the best solution for repairing corrupt Microsoft® Excel files and restoring the data. It is the only one that recovers all important details such as graphs and images.

OfficeFIX Platinum Professional 6.117 注册版-Office文件修复

The following are some of the features of ExcelFIX:

  • Recovers texts, numbers, and formulas and saves the recovered data in a new trouble-free file.
  • Supports Microsoft® Excel 365, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), 2000, 97 and 95.
  • Recovers formats, column widths, row heights, merged cells and more.
  • Recovers charts, bitmaps and other objects.
  • Recovers names, external references and multi-sheet ranges.
  • Recovers cell comments.


WordFIX is the best Microsoft® Word document recovery program. All the data is restored in seconds.

OfficeFIX Platinum Professional 6.117 注册版-Office文件修复

The following are some of the features of WordFIX:

  • Extracts the information from a corrupt Microsoft® Word document and saves it in new and trouble-free file.
  • Supports all versions of Microsoft® Word including Word 365, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), 2000, 97, 95, 6.0, 2.0 and Word for Macintosh.
  • Safely repairs documents that have been infected by viruses.
  • Recovers page formatting (margins, page size, page orientation, page breaks, etc).
  • Recovers paragraph formatting (line spacing, border lines, alignment, etc).
  • Recovers font and style formatting (bold, italic, size, type, color, background, etc).
  • Recovers headers and footers, table of contents, glossaries, hyperlinks, bookmarks, lists.
  • Recovers embedded HTML.
  • Recovers Eastern languages as well as Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Arabic, Thai and Lao.


OutlookFIX is the best Microsoft® Outlook PST file recovery and undelete program. It is the only one that recovers all the elements and important details.

The following are some of the features of OutlookFIX:

  • Recovers damaged and corrupt Microsoft® Outlook PST files, including those that have exceeded the 2GB limit.
  • Supports all versions of Microsoft® Outlook including Outlook 365, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), 2000 and 97.
  • Repairs all properties in emails, contacts, calendar, notes and tasks (To, From, date, importance, etc.).
  • Restores deleted Outlook elements including emails, contacts, calendar, notes, attachments and tasks.
  • Recovers files that have exceeded the 2GB limit.
  • Allows you to split large PST files into several smaller ones, reducing the file size.
  • Recovers attachments, including documents and images attached to emails or embedded into the HTML body.
  • Recovers password protected files.
  • OutlookFIX recovers all elements: emails, contacts, calendar items, notes and tasks.





