MycoKey 4.1 正式版-真菌信息系统下载

MycoKey 是真菌作为一种计算机程序和在线服务实现创新的信息系统。MycoKey 允许用户执行简单搜索或使用天气密钥 (也称为交互式键、 多访问键或随机存取键) 的复杂标识包括变形蘑菇标识符。标识通过复选框和下拉列表菜单通过充分说明界面。您输入相关名称进行搜索、你会得到分类、 名称和生长信息和所属类别和物种描述等信息。

MycoKey 4.1 正式版-真菌信息系统

MycoKey 包含超过 1,100 种菌类信息、超过3300个说明,超过 8,400 幅高质量的插图,超过 24,000 交叉引用文献和在丹麦语、 荷兰语、 英语、 法国、 德国、 挪威和瑞典这些国家的地方本地叫法。支持Windows XP/Vista/Win7/8/Win10.

MycoKey is an innovative information system to the fungi implemented as a computer program and an online service. MycoKey allows the user to perform simple searches or complex identifications using synoptic keys (also called interactive keys, multi-access keys or random-access keys) including the Morphing Mushroom Identifier. Identifications are done by means of check boxes and drop down menus through a fully illustrated interface. You enter the characters and MycoKey finds the likely genera.

As a result you will get taxonomic, nomenclatural and phylogenetic information and descriptions of genera and selected species. Running the installed version you can also analyze sets of genera to find discriminating characters between these.

MycoKey 4.0 covers more than 1,100 genera of the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota that occur in Northern Europe (i.e. Europe north of the Alps). MycoKey includes more than 3,300 species illustrated by more than 8,400 high quality illustrations, more than 24,000 cross references to literature and local names in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian and Swedish.

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