CSI ETABS 2016 v16.0.0 x86/x64 注册版-房屋建筑结构分析与设计下载

ETABS 2016 新版发布!ETABS是由CSI公司开发研制的房屋建筑结构分析与设计软件,ETABS已有近三十年的发展历史,是美国乃至全球公认的高层结构计算程序,在世界范围内广泛应用,是房屋建筑结构分析与设计软件的业界标准。目前,ETABS已经发展成为一个建筑结构分析与设计的集成化环境:系统利用图形化的用户界面来建立一个建筑结构的实体模型对象,通过先进的有限元模型和自定义标准规范接口技术来进行结构分析与设计,实现了精确的计算分析过程和用户可自定义的(选择不同国家和地区)设计规范来进行结构设计工作。

CSI ETABS 2016 v16.0.0 注册版-房屋建筑结构分析与设计

ETABS除一般高层结构计算功能外,还可计算钢结构、钩、顶、弹簧、结构阻尼运动、斜板、变截面梁或腋梁等特殊构件和结构非线性计算(Pushover, Buckling,施工顺序加载等),甚至可以计算结构基础隔震问题,功能非常强大。


ETABS 2016 Enhancements:

Slab Design (ETABS 2016 now gives users the ability to perform slab design with post-tensioning.)
– Integrated Strip Moment and Shear Diagrams
Integrated moment, shear, and torsion for design strips displayed onscreen and reported in tables.
– Modeling of PT Tendons
Model PT tendons and allow consideration of post-tensioning in the design of concrete slabs within ETABS.
– Slab Design Based on Strips
Model slab design strips that can be used for concrete slab design, within ETABS. American, European, British, Canadian, along with several additional international codes are available.
– Punching Shear Check
Punching-shear design checks in concrete slabs at columns and load locations specified by the user. Overwrites for punching perimeters can be added as well as specifiying openings which affect the perimeter but are not explicity modeled.

CSI ETABS 2016 v16.0.0 注册版-房屋建筑结构分析与设计

– Add Insertion Point Assignments to Slab or Wall Elements
Apply thickness overwrites on a joint-by-joint basis, allowing slabs and walls to have nonuniform thicknesses. Joint offsets can also be applied.
– Interface added to define soil profile data for Soil Structure Interaction of Footings
Cenerate spring and dashpot properties under footing to model soil-structure interaction.
– Parametric PMM Hinges for Frame Elements

– Automated Wind and Seismic Loads added for NBCC 2015
Wind loads include torsional moment.
– Automated Response-Spectrum Functon added for NBCC 2015 and Russian Code

– Event-to-Event Strategy
Pure event-to-event stepping solution implemented as an option for nonlinear direct-integration time-history load cases.
– Automated Floor Vibration Analysis for Heel Drop Effects for Long Spans
Define vibration analysis paths on floor slabs, along with parameters defining demand and capacity. Automated time-history analysis is performed for each case.
– Energy Plots for Direct Integration Time History Analysis for Performance-based Design
Step-by-step energy plots and tabular results available for nonlinear direct-integration time-history load cases and for nonlinear static/staged-construction load cases.

– Russian Concrete and Steel Frame Design Codes Added

Output and Display
– Story Plots
Animated plot shows story accelerations, drifts, shears and overturning moments together on the same plot for time history and nonlinear static load cases.





