LightPaper for Mac 1.4.2 注册版 – 优秀的文本编辑工具下载
LightPaper 是一款Mac上优秀的文本编辑工具,知识兔支持MarkDown、目录导航、预览、多选项卡等功能,简单易用,非常不错!
[LightPaper 在知识兔上14.9578]
LightPaper for Mac 1.4.2 介绍
LightPaper is a simple, beautiful, powerful, yet free text editor for passionate writers. You can use LightPaper to write any kind of text documents — blogs, articles, notes, ReadMe’s, To-Do’s, or the next chapter of your new novel. Its simple interface gets out of your way, allowing you to focus on writing. To remove distractions, you can switch to Distraction-Free Mode to completely immerse yourself in your current paragraph. It comes bundled with a handful of themes and beautiful fonts. You can also easily create your own themes or add existing ones.
- Built-in folder navigator
- Multi-tabs
- Markdown and MultiMarkdown support
- Live preview
- Built-in and custom styles for both editor and preview
- Distraction-free mode
- Quick open
- PDF/HTML/audio export
- GitHub flavored code-blocks support
- Math rendering support in output
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks
Version 1.4.2:
- Fixed a bug where the app would freeze for some users
LightPaper for Mac 1.4.2 下载