TaskPaper for Mac 3.6 激活版 – 优秀的待办事项和任务管理工具下载
TaskPaper 是一款Mac上优秀的待办事项和任务管理工具,TaskPaper的特点是能够让我们像在纸张上书写任务,界面很简单,类似系统自带的文本编辑器,但具有快速的添加任务、大纲的功能,知识兔支持快捷键快速调用,我们可以用它记录工作任务、笔记、行程等等,很好用!
[TaskPaper 在 Mac App Store上163]
TaskPaper for Mac 3.6 介绍
Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Thoroughly modernized. TaskPaper 3 is all new, while still retaining the same plain text design that’s been getting things done since 2006.
Buy now to make lists and get organized!
New in TaskPaper 3
- All new app
- More powerful searches
- Flexible and unique folding interface
- More powerful text editor and outliner
- Saved searches; one click away in sidebar
- Relative date and time based searches
- LESS/CSS powered themes
- Extensive Javascript API
Key Features
- Plain text files; edit anywhere
- Type and your lists are auto formatted
- Projects:, – tasks, notes, and @tags
- Text editor speed with outliner power
- Lists within lists within lists…
- Fold, focus, and filter to make big list small
- Drag and drop to organize your list
- Fully scriptable and themable
- Getting things done since 2006
Learn More
- https://www.taskpaper.com
Version 3.6:
- Quickly import items from (or export to) Reminders.app. Create reminders on the go with Siri then move them into TaskPaper at your Mac. Or export TaskPaper items to Reminders on your Phone.
TaskPaper for Mac 3.6 下载